I am NOT talking about
irreducible complexity (referring to my earlier writing
"Scientific Proof for God" although these two arguments are little bit similar or close to each other. I am talking about the fact that natural selection, mutations and chance don't have
goals. There is no
purpose involved. And therefore there is no way explaining how something totally NEW arises within species. That new thing doesn't have to be especially complex. It just has to be something
useful and
purposeful and

Let's consider horns for example. How did they evolve? If, through some mutation, there is, one day, two little swellings on newborns head, what benefit do they serve? If none, creature with those swellings wouldn't reproduce more than other creatures of that species. And besides of this, what is the chance that those swellings appear exactly on the right spot? Sound quite purposeful.
And what about the fact that there is so many different kinds of horns?
"Yet in Africa there are literally dozens of antelope specieswith an astonishing variety of horns...And many of these antelopes live in the same environment. What, therefore, are the advantages of a Kudu's horns over an eland's horns, or vice-versa?" Valerius Geist
Why there is so many different kinds of horns? A thought comes to my mind: Maybe God created so many kinds of horns just to show us that He exists – that there is no evolution involved there because natural selection has no reason to create so many kinds of, sometimes very bizarre looking, horns.
Also, if horns did evolve through natural selection, there should be transitional fossils. Where are they?
Nah. Evolution theory is rubbish. Evolution does happen – on limited scale. Main work is done by intelligent designer.
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