lauantai 28. marraskuuta 2015

Ihmisten kokemuksia vanhenemisesta ja siitä minkä ikäisiä he KOKEVAT olevansa

Luen internetistä vanhenemisesta. Siitä, kun tajuaa, ettei ole enää nuori. Ja se kaikki koskettaa minua juuri nyt, on ajankohtaista. Käyn läpi samoja asioita, ihmettelen samoja asioita kuin kaikki ihmiset.


Kommentoijia internetissä:

"For some reason I have always felt the same internally.  Now we have mirrors at my place, so I know I don't look the same.  From the inside it still feels the same. Now and in the past I have always felt comfortable interacting with people of any age."

"Sometimes when I look in the mirror I can't believe what I see looking back. Where in the hell did those grey hairs and bags under my eyes come from and when did it happen? All I did was blink. I don't feel any different. Sure, maybe I can't do all of the things I used to do when I was in my twenties, but then I'm not so sure I'd want to. But still, I don't really feel that different on the inside."

I'm currently 52, though as far as I'm concerned I'm still 23... I know I'm not 23, and I don't physically feel like I'm 23, but somehow I'm 23. Don't care if it's logical, or if others care, I'm happy. And for me, that's just fine."

"I'm not fixed on a specific age, but I have to remind myself that I'm considerably older than the people I work with who are in their thirties and forties, and realize that they likely think of me as quite a relic."

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