tiistai 18. marraskuuta 2014

Herkkyys, stressi ja yliaktiivinen mieli

Artikkelista: The hyperactive mind

"There is no scientific theory as of yet to explain why some people’s minds are more prone to become hyperactive...Firstly we should acquaint ourselves with the concept of Highly Sensitive Personality (HSP): Highly Sensitive Personality (HSP) refers to a person having the innate trait of high sensory processing sensitivity… May process sensory data much more deeply and thoroughly due to a biological difference in their nervous systems. (wikipedia). Since an HSP will process information “more deeply”, this means that the information they digest is explored in more detail than by the average human, which means they posses a greater degree of curiosity. This leads them to often over-analyze the information or to “over-think” a specific situation. This over-analysis means they become more mentally invested in that specific subject or situation."

 "By being more sensitive to duality, meaning, by possessing a higher sensitivity to feelings of good and bad, HSPs’ are more stimulated by an experience than other people. Yet, all people posses varying degrees of sensitivity, HSP’s happen to have the highest. We can speculate then, that the reason why some people are more easily bored than others is that they experience heightened emotions more easily since they are more sensitive, and this can create cycle of stimulation seeking to maintain or relive those emotions, and, as stated before, when they can not find that stimulation they become bored and unhappy until they find something else that stimulates them. This gives rise to the hyperactive mind, a mind addicted to mental activity and stimulation."

  "As I will show, a psychopath is characterized by a low level of mental activity, and this is what diminishes their capacity for empathy and remorse, which in turn allows them to be mostly unaffected by stimulation and experiences. To prove this we only need to take a look at most people who are in power such as politicians and executives. These people have the least degree of sensitivity to their thoughts, for the most part. A person with high sensitivity to their thoughts would never get to these positions, because the thought of themselves being in charge of whole armies or of entire companies would be a greater emotional burden on them....So a low level of mental activity is needed in order to be unaffected by all the emotional stimulation and burdens that come with these positions of power, in most cases."

"I have briefly gone into the subject of psychopathy for two reasons, to contrast the other extreme of an HSP, and to show that there are benefits to low levels of mind activity, the benefits being the ability to withstand high stress and be unaffected by external stimulation."


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